Office of Richard M. Nixon

37th President of the United States

President Nixon thanks you for following his efforts to build a lasting architecture of peace on Twitter. He will remain there as long as the site is active, or until the situation becomes untenable—that is, if there is a mass exodus of politicians and the press to another venue. In that case we will make an announcement across all platforms.

This page serves as a permanent home for his work. All news regarding his activities will appear here.

We are investigating features to allow President Nixon regular commentary here. For now please continue to follow his Twitter page, and note his exclusive online presences:

Patreon - Extended regular political analysis, beginning at $1 per month. - Holding page on the new messaging service. NOTE: As of May 4, 2023, this link will not work if you are not a member of BlueSky. When BlueSky opens to the general public, we regard this as the most likely successor to his Twitter page should that become necessary. - Holding page on the new messaging service.

Instagram - Informational holding page, currently dormant.

Medium - Frequently Asked Questions, in the process of being updated.

If you enjoy this office’s work, please consider making a small donation here.

